Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Coral Canyons-Bridge Breaking

Does the bridge really break?
This is a question almost every Jammer asks. Does it really break? Hundreds of Jammers have tried and to no avail. However, some say it is possible and will not give up. I've tried only a few times, really, but it's never busted. There are no clues around the bridge that could lead us to think that it breaks. Perhaps this has something to do with the wolf alpha, Greely. It is told that Greely lives where Best Dressed (land) now is. When we Jammers try to break the bridge, do we suppose Greely will come out? I've actually never thought about that theory until now, but it could make sense, no? Post in the comments what you think and you can also post your own theories.

More Information:
Location: Coral Canyons
Further Location: At the top of Coral Canyons, to the right of the Den Shop and to the left of the game, Sky High.
Theory: Breaking the bridge makes Greely come out. (This is a wild theory, but a theory nonetheless). 


  1. If a ton of people are jumping on the bridge, eagles fly out! :o Cool, huh?

    1. you have to be a wolf and i think the therory above is true

    2. you have to be a wolf and i think the therory above is true

  2. i think u have to be a wolf...
