Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mystery Lands

What are these mysterious lands? What challenges do they bring?
In my eyes, there are six areas that could become lands. What could they be named? Hmm lets see...the land above Mt. Shiveer could be Tundrainian (Ton-drain-e-un), the land above Appondale could be Snarrink (Snar-rick) Forest, the land below Appondale could be Tremmle (Trem-mel) Woods, the land below Jamaa Township could be Township Treis (Tree-is), the water next to that could be Township Treis Bay, and the water beside Coral Canyons could be CC Waters. 
It's just a little something to ponder. What would you name these lands? Maybe we can send our ideas in to Animal Jam Headquarters! I can't really do a More Information thing on this, because none of these lands have actual names. But the names above are what we shall call those mysterious lands on this blog. 
Happy mystery-solving!


  1. Cool, you come up with good names for places, are you sure that one of them isn't named in your honour. lol :D
